Providing the statutory and administrative disciplines thereby allowing small and emerging nonprofits to be missional.


Our Mission

Oak Grove Christian Ministries (OGCM) supports Christ-centered organizations and related Christian activities (“Supported Organizations”) based in the San Francisco Bay Area that provide non-profit services and activities under the Internal Revenue Code and guidelines which are subject to review and acceptance by the governing board of OGCM, to help them flourish both now and in the future by:

  • Providing high fiduciary accountability in a responsible manner and following generally acceptable accounting practices for each Supported Organization managed through competent financial management, including the conferring and reporting to donors the tax-deductible status of all qualified contributions that are segregated by each Supported Organization, the responsible disbursing of said contributions for non-profit purposes for each Supported Organization and the filing of all required regulatory reports;

  • Being a resource for the Supported Organizations and,

  • Being missional, as a non-profit organization, to encourage each Supported Organization and their mission to grow into a self-supporting non-profit organization.


We provide Tax Deductible status for those who donate to the following Supported Ministries:

I. Active:

II. Launched as their own 501(c)3:

III. No longer active:

  • CSC Recovery Network


  • Hope 101